Proper storage for ion exchange resin

2023-07-03 17:29:46

Unused resins, in their original packaging, can be stored under proper conditions for longer  than their recommended shelf life without experiencing a decline in their physical properties, in most cases.  Standard demineralizing and softening resins experience minimal change in chemical properties over a two-year shelf life.  

Requirements for Packaging, Storage and Transportation

Packaging :Sanford resin is packaged to ensure the contents are protected from contamination and loss or uptake of moisture. If packaging is damaged or left open and resins are exposed to the atmosphere, the resin can deteriorate through a combination of physical, chemical or biological contamination. For example, hydroxide form anion resins can become carbonated from contact with carbon dioxide present in the air. No matter what type of resin, once the package is opened, the contents should be used as soon as possible, and unused resin should be resealed in a suitable, clean container.

In the event of damage to bags, drums, kegs, etc., every effort should be made to repair the damage to ensure the resin is not exposed to the atmosphere. Over time, and especially at elevated temperatures, resins may dry out. Unless re-hydration is carried out carefully, beads will crack or break. To minimize damage, the following procedure is recommended for rewetting resins.

A concentrated brine solution is slowly introduced and left for at least 1 hour to equilibrate. Brine displacement is carried out, by reducing brine concentration by 5% on consecutive treatments. A contact time of 30 minutes is used for each successive displacement. The final 5% brine solution is then displaced and rinsed out with water.

In cases where resin is very dry it is recommended that the process is optimized in the laboratory by adjusting the starting concentration of brine, temperature, rates of addition and contact time. Note that cation resins in the hydrogen form will generate hydrochloric acid by passage of brine through the bed. Anion resin in the hydroxide form will likewise produce sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). In each case, cation resin will be converted to the sodium form and anion resin to the chloride form and will require multiple regenerations to return to the regenerated form.

Storage :Sanford recommends storing resin indoors, maintaining a temperature below 40 °C, (104 °F), and ensuring UV light (which promotes oxidation, and growth of algae and bacteria) does not contact the sealed package. Additionally, do not store resin near a radiator, a heating appliance, or in a warm boiler house. Although Sanford resins can withstand temperatures as low as –40 °C, (–40 °F), it is recommended that resins are stored above 0 °C, (32 °F) as successive thawing and freezing may damage the product, and/or the packaging.

If resin becomes frozen for any reason, it should be left to thaw out naturally. No attempt should ever be made to free frozen resin mechanically as this will damage the product. If resin will be handled at sub-zero temperatures, the resin may be conditioned with saturated brine to prevent freezing. Additionally, avoid double stacking full pallets in the warehouse. If this is unavoidable due to space limitations, use pallet boards between each pallet to prevent damage to the product.

Transportation: Most Sanford resins are non-hazardous, temperature-stable materials and do not have specific temperature storage requirements. Precautions should be taken to avoid extreme temperatures during the transport of resins. If product becomes frozen during transportation, thawing should take place gradually, without any physical interference. Moving resin in their primary packaging should be avoided if possible when in a frozen state. Some products do have special storage, handling and temperature requirements. 

To prevent problems associated with dehydration, freezing, growth of bacteria, algae & molds, chemical stability, precipitation and corrosion, simple precautions should be taken when ion exchange equipment is shut down for an extended period.



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